5 tips on how to prevent garden pests and diseases
“Everything you do in your garden to encourage healthy plant growth helps to prevent pest and disease problems.” The key to happy gardening is to set the basics right. Here are 5 tips on how to prevent garden pests and diseases.
1) Start with the soil
Healthy soil is the foundation of healthy plants. Roots flourish and plants can find the nutrients needed to grow strong and healthy. Plants grown in soils low in the nutrients required are susceptible to attack by pests and disease. To avoid clogging and root rot, make sure your plants are growing in nutrient-rich, well-draining soils.
2) Compost is King
Compost is organic matter that contains essential microorganisms beneficial microbes that add life to your garden soil. When you add compost to your soil, the microbes continue breaking down organic matter to release nutrients and even keep “bad” organisms in check.
3) Good Sanitation is Key
Always clean your hands and tools in between handling plants. Remove old or sick leaves, weeds and vines on a regular basis and dispose of them well. Do not put sick plants in the compost bin.
4) Encourage diversity
Mix your plants in a way that encourages a healthy ecosystem. Growing flowers such as marigold, nasturtium and herbs such as dill, mint and fennel repel some bad insects and attract beneficial ones.
5) Check the plants before bringing them home
If you are buying seedlings or plants from the roadside or from a nursery, make sure to check them thoroughly to make sure you are not carrying pests & diseases to your garden. Check the underside of the leaves, the stems and even the packaging. Any signs of spots, yellowing, browning or discolouration could be a sign of disease or pest infestation. Some more tips on how to evaluate plants at the plant nursery have a look at this video